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10 Must Pack Pet Items For Summer Travel – pet checklist for the warm months


10 Must Pack Pet Items For Summer Travel – pet checklist for the warm months

Summer isn’t just a season; it’s a feeling. A feeling of freedom, joy, and endless possibilities. Long walks on the beach, playtime in the pool, picnics at the park, and the vibrant colors of sunsets that seem to stretch forever. It’s about making memories that last a lifetime. Bonus printable Dog Travel Checklist

In this blog post, we focus on just what to pack when traveling with your pet. Whether you are a sun worshipper, a culture enthusiast, or an adrenaline junkie, and plan to travel with your pet, we’ve want to make sure you are covered. Let’s celebrate the season of warmth and make this summer an unforgettable one!

Travel any time during the year with pets requires some preparation, but there are a few things to keep in mind when you are traveling during the hot summer months. Here is a list of don’t forget items that will help you be prepared, save money, and make your trip even more enjoyable. Forgetting even a few of the items can be costly when you try to buy them at your destination. You may also not be able to shop with your pet and leaving them in the vehicle during the summer months or any time is off-limits, so our advice is print this list and check it twice.

10 Must Pack Pet Items For Summer

1. Water and Bowl

It is so important to keep pets hydrated in the heat of summer. Remind them often to have a drink. If traveling for days, of course you want to pack your pet’s favorite food and treats, but when you are headed to the beach, pool, or park for a few hours, don’t leave home without plenty of fresh water.

2. Pet Sunscreen

Not all sunscreens are created equal and human sunscreen that contains Zinc is actually dangerous for pets. It is very important that pets with short hair, exposed skin and light eyes are protected from the sun’s rays. Pet Sunscreen is a good idea on hot summer days if you plan to spend time outdoors or on long walks too.

3. Potty Supplies

Don’t forget extra potty supplies for time at the beach, river or lake. You won’t find options near by most likely. If you get into a pinch, a large leaf is a great option. Here are a few fun options to pack for the summer or visit our Pet Walk Shop for more pet walking supplies.

4. Runner or Stake

Even if your pup is used to running free without a leash, to keep them safe, have one on hand incase the beach or water area is really crowded or there are other dogs near by. Choose an extra long leash, runner or stake to keep them close. Here are a few of our favorite choices when we head to the lake or beach with our up and for more leashes and accessories visit our Dog Leash Shop

5. Water Ready Pet Toys

Grab a few pet toys that do well in sand and water and will float in pool or lake settings. For dogs who love to fetch, a floating faux stick is always a great idea. Choose dog toys that float to make them easy to retrieve and to avoid your pup from diving or going under water in search. Here are some of our favorite toys for the pool, beach or water and for more dog toys, gifts and fun, visit our Dog Toy Shop

6. Blanket or Elevated Lounger

Help pets stay as cool as possible by keeping them off the direct heat of the sand, pavement or rocks. Here are a couple of our favorite summer outdoor pet furniture pieces and here is a link to our entire collection of Outdoor Pet Furniture and Lounging Supplies.

7. Personal Pet Flotation Device

Dogs and cats that spend time on the boat, in a canoe, or close the water’s edge should wear a life jacket if they have difficulty swimming, are getting on in age, or tend to jump in unexpectedly. Even pets that are good swimmers do much better with a life jacket in open waters. Here are some great options, but to find the right one and tips on how to choose visit out Pet Flotation Shop.

8. Pet Glasses or Goggles 

Pets with sensitive eyes may do better in the sun or near water with their eyes protected. Dog and cat sized eyewear is now available and get for the car, boat, or motorcycle.  Here are just a few options of pet sunglass/goggles. To see our complete collection visit our Pet Sunglass Shop.

9. Pet Towel and/or Shammy

Not only will a pet towel keep your pets off the hot pavement or sand, but they are great for drying off pets with long fur or curly locks. A shammy comes in handy for an even quicker dry. Here just a few Microfiber and quick dry options. To see all we have visit our Pet Bath & Spa Shop.

10. Pet Shoes

We love summer pet fashion, but pet shoes are really a way to protect your pet’s paws from burning and blistering. Grab a pair of booties, sneakers, or pet sandals for pets who tend to have sore or damaged paws during the summer. For more shoe, sandal and sock options visit our Pet Shoe Shop.

Summer Dog Checklist

Here is a great checklist created by our team to help you prepare every time you head to the pool, beach, or water with pets, especially during the summer months.

Be Prepared

Tip: Put together a pet travel bag where you keep everything you need in one place and ready to go when you are!

Summer Dog Paw Tote

To Print A Copy Use This Link
To the Checklist

Depending on your travel plans, consider packing a pet-friendly first aid kit, good dog book or Pool Party Supplies. Don’t forget your pet’s medications, favorite blanket, and best toy too. While some pets love to travel and jump in the car as soon as they hear the keys, others are a little more cautious, give your pet the time they need to get acclimated.

If you enjoyed our Summer Pet Travel Checklist You might want to check out more summer pet & travel tips:

Love Stories…so do we, here is our Pet Lover’s Guide – Dogs of Summer

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