Dog Poop Bags: The Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!
Dog Poop Bags: The Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

Are poop bags the next best thing since sliced bread? Neighbors and fellow dog walkers say YES!
Written by: Jerry, the Jack Russell
Long ago when pups ran free in the pasture, enjoying the pleasure of pooping where they please without the worry of their go disturbing those around them. A few kicks of the grass and all pups were off to frolic, nap, or in search of a stick while one’s owner rocked on the front porch looking on. The simple pleasures of a leisurely stroll with one’s person was not even a twinkle in the mind.
Fast forward to the invention of the dog leash, sidewalks and strolls with pups by one’s side. Those leisurely strolls where birds are chirping, the sun is shining, are so easily interrupted when the need arrises to poo, which of course happens in the middle of Mrs. Johnson’s immaculate lawn. Hand in an empty pocket, pup looking up proud of the work they just did, but you feel eyes looking on letting you know you need to do something about the unsightly pile. You look near and you look far until you notice a large leaf that could help in your endeavor. Well, not quite enough to get the whole load, but enough to reduce the stare. A slow walk backwards to the sidewalk lets the mind wander on a replay of how that whole situation could have gone a little better.
As I sit down for the evening meal, the shame of poo in hand with just a leaf between waves over me, there has to be a better way. Tossing the thought and reaching for bread that is longing for a slathering of butter my mind wandered again as i wrap the bread bag tight and set it aside a thought flurries in, the bag that holds this wonderful bread is the perfect solution. The perfect solution for holding sliced bread is an even better solution for holding newly deposited poo.
The vision was so clear, a steady hand one would grab the bag, bend, and with a smooth hands-free movement, swoop the poop. A then with a sleight of hand flip the bag, depositing the poo out of reach, add a twist and walla, the next best thing since sliced bread, the bag it came in! A new way to capture the poo! There is just one issue, you have but one bread bag, what if there is a need for another go, hoping against all hope your worst nightmare does not come true and you have to find a place for a second poo.
One cannot eat enough bread to keep up with the poo, what is done to do?
Fast forward to current day and wow have things have come so far from the bread bags days. Oh the memories of poop exposed in familiar red, blue and yellow printed bags. But they do not compare to a tight roll to designer poo bags for the distinguished poo-picker-upper, the eco-friendly pet waste bags made of recycled materials or the handy pooper scooper. No matter how you pick up your poo, we are glad you do!
So when you ask yourself what is the next best thing since sliced bread, we vote the bread bag as it inspired a world of poo pick up options that make the task much more bearable. So browse below and be inspired by some cool poop clean up stuff and if that is not enough explore out Pet Potty Shop for even more.

Jerry is no ordinary Jack Russell Terrier – he’s a talented writer with a sharp wit and an old-school sense of humor. His captivating storytelling and insightful commentary on sports, outdoor activities, and history keep readers coming back for more.