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Pet Haberdashery Shop – Outdoor Gear For Cool Pets

Herzog is a small, family-owned business nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Northern Michigan, dedicated to creating innovative and stylish dog gear. Specializing in high-performance active wear for dogs, Herzog uses eco-friendly, waterproof silicone material that is both durable and antibacterial. Their rugged designs are scratch-proof and easy to clean, making them the perfect choice for active dogs who love outdoor adventures. With a focus on functionality and aesthetics, Herzog dog gear seamlessly complements both home and hound, offering a blend of practicality and style that pet owners will appreciate.

Found My Animal is a Brooklyn-based pet accessory company founded in 2006 by rescue dog owners Bethany Obrecht and Anna Conway, inspired by their shared passion for animal welfare. Known for their unique, nautical-inspired designs, the brand began with handcrafted leashes made from marine-grade rope, brass, and waxed canvas, each featuring a numbered “FOUND” tag symbolizing their commitment to animal rescue. Dedicated to promoting pet adoption, Found My Animal donates a portion of proceeds to animal welfare organizations and facilitates direct pet adoptions. Their innovative, mission-driven products are available through their website and premium retailers, making them a recognized leader in the pet accessory industry.

Wolfgang is a unique company born out of a love for dogs and a passion for creating world-class products. Founded by a team of outdoor adventurers and seasoned product developers, Wolfgang celebrates the unbreakable bond between dogs and their people. Drawing on decades of experience designing everything from headphones to hoodies, the team set out to craft premium dog gear that reflects their commitment to quality, style, and durability. All Wolfgang leashes, collars, and harnesses are made in the USA using the finest American textiles, ensuring unmatched craftsmanship and minimal environmental impact. Built to last, these products honor the faithful companionship of our furry best friends while embodying the spirit of adventure and American pride.

Orvis is an American family-owned brand that focused fly fishing, hunting, and sporting goods for pets and people. Founded in Manchester, Vermont, in 1856 by Charles F. Orvis, it is the oldest mail-order retailer in the United States. Their pet products are designed for the outdoorsy dog and are made of high-quality materials that withstand the adventure.  The company has a strong commitment to conservation, annually donating five percent of its pre-tax profits to various conservation projects.

Peak Performance Pets specializes in durable and stylish pet gear for active dogs, with products like the Overlook Waterproof Collar. Made from nylon webbing coated in PVC rubber, these collars are waterproof, odor-free, and dirt-proof, ideal for outdoor adventures. Their collars are designed for comfort and durability, catering to dogs of all breeds. With a focus on the outdoor lifestyle, Peak focuses on getting your ready for the mountains, lake or cuddling on the couch.

Cycle Dog is an eco-friendly pet product company based in Portland, Oregon, founded in 2009. They specialize in crafting durable pet gear from post-consumer recycled materials, notably upcycled bicycle inner tubes. Their product range includes the distinctive bottle opener dog collars, waterproof dog beds, and durable plush toys, all made in the USA and they are committed to sustainability, having repurposed millions of inner tubes and plastic bottles to reduce environmental waste. They also emphasize local manufacturing, creating employment opportunities within their community and ensuring high-quality, innovative products. 

It is critical when spending time in the woods or remote areas to outfit your pet with reflective gear to help you keep an eye on them and to help others as well. If the weather looks like the nights will be chilly, provide a little extra warmth.

L.L.Bean offers a comprehensive range of high-quality pet products designed to enhance the comfort and well-being for pets and people who enjoy the outdoors. Additionally, L.L.Bean provides personalized items, such as monogrammable beds and collars, allowing you to add a special touch to their pet’s gear. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, L.L.Bean’s pet products are crafted to withstand the test of time.

Wilderdog is a company dedicated to creating durable, adventure-ready gear for dogs and their outdoor-loving owners. Inspired by climbing rope, their flagship leashes and other products are designed to withstand rugged conditions, backed by a lifetime warranty to ensure reliability. Beyond crafting high-quality gear, Wilderdog is committed to animal welfare through their “Purchase for a Pound” program, donating one pound of dog food to shelters and rescues for every purchase made. With a focus on enhancing the bond between humans and dogs.


Checkout more great gear for the dog walk.

Make traveling in RV’s or staying in the camper with pets close by so much easier with these handy gadgets and gismos. We love a good hack and when it helps to keep our pets safe and more comfortable, we are all in.

Pack extra food and water for your pets to be safe. You may have luck finding people food in remote areas, but the likelihood of finding your pet’s food is slim. Fresh water is critical for pets especially when the humidity is high and the days are hot.

Here are some of our favorite gadgets for the RV, camper or campsite when traveling with pets. When you are prepared for anything, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the time.Protect pets in unfamiliar territory with the security of a runner, invisible fence or gated areas to keep them safe from getting lost if spooked.


Explore our curated collection of coats and jackets to find the right jacket for your outing.


Explore a curated collection of camping and outfitter books and gifts for pet-lovers


Find the right pet first aid kit and supplies before heading to the campsite or trails.
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